Thought Cloud

Mother Worry

Mother Worry

Mothering and worrying tend to go hand-in-hand. It’s natural for a parent to be concerned about the growth and development of their child and to feel responsibility for warding off any potential threats. Let’s face it, caring for a child on a physical, mental and emotional level takes a lot of [...] Read more

Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Have you ever told your particularly neat friend that they ‘are OCD’? Or labelled yourself as ‘being so OCD’ because you like your desk tidy? OCD (otherwise known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a term that is commonly thrown around in today’s society to describe the personality traits of being [...] Read more

Are unwelcome thoughts getting in the way?

Are unwelcome thoughts getting in the way?

Intrusive thoughts can occur when you become a mother. Having a baby can be a very exciting, and simultaneously challenging, time in your life. You may have just had your first baby and be busy learning the ropes. Or you may be adjusting to welcoming a new baby into your growing family. Early [...] Read more

When panic takes over

When panic takes over

The feeling of panic can be very scary and unpleasant, and can be accompanied by many physical symptoms such as racing heart, shortness or breath, shaking, lightheadedness, sensations of hot or cold, sweating, feeling faint to name a few. There is good reason for this physical reaction, otherwise [...] Read more

A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air

When managing anxiety, there are lots of different techniques that together can make a real difference. One of the simplest starting points is looking at your breathing. How do you breathe? Not everyone breathes at the same rate naturally. Have a check of how many breaths you take in and out in a [...] Read more

Strive in 2018

Strive in 2018

If you are looking for inspiration, you may find it here... Nothing like a good quote to get you going. A little progress each day adds up to big results You will either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice is yours. One day, you will wake up and there won’t be any [...] Read more

Starting a conversation about mental health for medical professionals

Starting a conversation about mental health for medical professionals

When people are struggling with mental health issues, asking for the help they need can seem overwhelming. They may associate their symptoms with a weakness or character flaw, and feel ashamed they are not coping. As a result, they may be hesitant to open up and uncomfortable discussing the [...] Read more

Talk given for Harp Centre Australia

Talk given for Harp Centre Australia

Last week, I presented for Harp Centre Australia about how to perform at your best and manage anxiety. Thank you to Mr Owen Torr and Ms Alice Giles for the opportunity to speak. Always in awe of these extremely talented people. Below is a summary of the talk. Included are strategies that can also be [...] Read more

Managing Performance Anxiety for Musicians

Managing Performance Anxiety for Musicians

If the thought of getting up in front of a group of people and performing fills you with anxiety, you are not alone. Most people suffer from some level of performance anxiety. Public speaking is the second worse fear in the general population—and that’s higher than death! It’s natural to feel [...] Read more

Is Social Media Making You Feel Bad?

Is Social Media Making You Feel Bad?

Social media is a great way to stay in touch with those important to us. We can keep up to date and celebrate highlights in each other's lives. But apps like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram often present a skewed version of reality. They showcase our best version rather than our everyday [...] Read more

Thinking Ahead to Reduce your Risk of Postnatal Depression

Thinking Ahead to Reduce your Risk of Postnatal Depression

Having realistic expectations, a large dose of self-compassion and access to support when needed are essential to reducing the risk of postnatal depression and anxiety. To read our latest article in the BubHub July edition, press HERE. [...] Read more

When you are in a state...

When you are in a state...

Feeling upset? Flat? Anxious? Sad? Irritable? Nervous? Overwhelmed? You are not alone. The different stresses and challenges of our complex, modern lives can play havoc with our emotions, thoughts and behaviour. While it is always recommended you seek out professional help for ongoing mental health [...] Read more

Emotions are not the Enemy

Emotions are not the Enemy

Emotions are part of being human and are essential for health and well-being. They create the light and shade in our lives that give it meaning and enable us to respond to our world. Our emotional responses allow us to connect with other humans through understanding and empathy. ‘Negative’ emotions [...] Read more

Adjusting to Parenting

Adjusting to Parenting

* Thank you to Alana Healthcare who requested I write this entry as a "guest blogger" on their website for September 2016 ... Becoming a parent is a major life event. It’s an exciting time that changes life in lots of ways—and this transition requires numerous adjustments. Many new parents find that [...] Read more

Do you have a mean friend in your head?

Do you have a mean friend in your head?

Most of us will notice thoughts coming into and out of our heads all day. We are always thinking, evaluating and interpreting things that are going on around us. This is important for us to make sense of the world and to plan what we do next. But what you say to yourself can really influence how you [...] Read more

New mothers making time for themselves reduces chance of postnatal depression

New mothers making time for themselves reduces chance of postnatal depression

Even just taking a long hot bath, alone, once a week, may reduce the risk of postnatal depression - Research by Hannah Woolhouse, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and Stephanie Brown, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute - One in three women will experience significant depressive symptoms in the [...] Read more

Just speak up

Just speak up

Next week is Perinatal Depression and Anxiety Awareness Week (15-21 November 2015). It’s common for pregnant women and new mothers to feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, frustrated and just plain exhausted. But if this is all you feel and there are few positive feelings at all, it becomes [...] Read more

Stress – Friend or Foe?

Stress – Friend or Foe?

Stress has been getting some pretty good press lately. A number of recent books and articles have been selling its benefits and urging us to embrace it as our friend. Is that possible? A pounding heart, tense muscles, quickened breathing . . . stress is the automatic ‘fight or flight’ survival [...] Read more

Think you are alone, think again...

Think you are alone, think again...

In Australia, 1 in 5 women will experience depression and 1 in 3 women will experience anxiety in a lifetime. Anxiety and depression in our community is more common than you might think. When life isn't going to plan and problems seem overwhelming, it can feel like you are alone in the world. In [...] Read more

“…there there dear, have a Bex and a good lie down…”

“…there there dear, have a Bex and a good lie down…”

We’ve come a long way from the days when there was an expectation that we should button our lips and keep our emotions under wraps--and when a lack of any serious attempt to deal with emotional issues allowed medical quackery to flourish. In the past, desperation forced people to turn to [...] Read more